First Author
Joe Davison, Joshua Feldman, and Alexander Rush. Commonsense knowledge mining from pretrained models. EMNLP, 2019.
EMNLP Oral Presentation:
[link] Joe Davison, Kristen Severson, Soumya Ghosh. Cross-population variational autoencoders. 4th workshop in Bayesian Deep Learning (NeurIPS), 2019.
Workshop Poster:…/CPVAE Poster.pdf
Contributing Author
[link] Butler et al. MS2Mol: A transformer model for illuminating dark chemical space from mass spectra. ChemRxiv preprint, 2023.
[link] Gennady Voronov, Rose Lightheart, Joe Davison, Christoph A Krettler, David Healey, and Thomas Butler. Multi-scale sinusoidal embeddings enable learning on high resolution mass spectrometry data. arXiv preprint, 2022.
[link] Quentin et al. Datasets: A community library for natural language processing. EMNLP: System Demonstrations, 2021.
EMNLP Best Demo Award 2021
[link] Thomas Wolf et al. Transformers: State-of-the-art natural language processing. EMNLP: System Demonstrations, 2020.
EMNLP Best Demo Award 2020
[link] Mark Hamilton et al. Flexible and scalable deep learning with MMLSpark. 4th International Conference on Predictive Applications and APIs, volume 82 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, PMLR, 2018.